Kutsko Consulting Blog

Using Employee Scorecards to Clarify Employee Expectations

Think about how coaches use scorecards in sports. They track how a player is doing faced against several challenges. The pitcher, the pitches, the setting, and even the weather affect their performance. The team’s staff compiles this information to guide the individual’s training and...

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6 Reasons To Use OKR's To Define Your Team's Purpose

Listen to a reading of this blog post at: Kutsko Consulting Audio Blog.

Defining an organization’s purpose often appears daunting at first glance. Looking at the big picture raises an almost insurmountable bar. It’s not just a matter of setting team goals. It also involves...

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How to Hire Your Next Key Leader

This article is heavily based on the excellent book, The Effective Hiring Manager by Mark Horstman. If you haven't read it and you need to make an important hire soon, don't take another step in the process until you do.

Adding people to your team is a nerve-racking thing! It's easily one of...

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How to Give Clarity to Your Team

One of the most significant challenges leaders face is often found in their blindspot. They don’t even realize they have a problem. That challenge is clarity. Often, leaders have a clear picture of what needs to happen sorted in their heads. The problem is that just because...

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How to receive clarity from your boss

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by an impossible workload of urgent tasks, you might feel like it’s time to find a new job! Or it could just be that you need greater clarity to identify where you really need to focus your efforts. 


When you’re unclear about your role...

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How often should I be meeting with my team?

We hear it over and over again, team meetings can be the worst! On the one hand, they can be a huge time suck and a major drain on creativity and productivity. On the other hand, without them, the members of our team often feel like they are falling out of the loop and overall connectivity...

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