Kutsko Consulting Blog

How to Hire Your Next Key Leader

This article is heavily based on the excellent book, The Effective Hiring Manager by Mark Horstman. If you haven't read it and you need to make an important hire soon, don't take another step in the process until you do.

Adding people to your team is a nerve-racking thing! It's easily one of...

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How to Hire the Right Person

I need to hire someone new. How do I make sure I hire the best possible person for the position?

You are scared to death to hire in this economy, and with good reason. One of the scariest things a leader does is add a person to her team. When it goes well, hiring a new team member can be just...

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How Do I Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person?

As a successful leader, you know how frustrating it is when you begin to realize that one of your team members isn’t a good fit. You notice an issue and it begins to gnaw at you and then eventually it keeps you up at night. You hope the problem will go...

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