Kutsko Consulting Blog

Are you an emotionally intelligent leader?

Now that we’ve reviewed DISC, the science of observable human behavior, and Driving Forces, the “why” that propels us into action, we’re going to explore Emotional Intelligence, which is also often referred to as EQ or “Emotional Quotient.”


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How often should I be meeting with my team?

We hear it over and over again, team meetings can be the worst! On the one hand, they can be a huge time suck and a major drain on creativity and productivity. On the other hand, without them, the members of our team often feel like they are falling out of the loop and overall connectivity...

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How can I better understand the people I lead?

Have you ever felt like your team could be healthier? I've led a number of small, medium and large teams of extremely talented and passionate people and I have often felt like things were okay, but that they could be great. I would often wonder, "why aren't things great?" We know this is a topic...

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