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Kutsko Consulting Blog

Are you an ALTRUISTIC or intentional leader?

Have you ever noticed some people tend to be selective in who they help and serve while others tend to serve, help and eliminate the suffering of others indiscriminately?

What is the ALTRUISTIC Driving Force?

People with Altruistic as their primary Driving Force are driven to assist others for...

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Are you an INTENTIONAL or altruistic leader?

Have you ever noticed some people tend to be selective in who they help and serve while others tend to serve, help and eliminate the suffering of others indiscriminately?

What is the INTENTIONAL Driving Force?

People with Intentional as their primary Driving Force are driven to assist others for...

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Are you an objective or HARMONIOUS leader?

Have you ever noticed some people seek function in their surroundings while others seek to fully experience their surroundings?

What is the HARMONIOUS Driving Force?

People with Harmonious as their primary Driving Force are driven by the the experience, subjective viewpoints and balance in their...

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Are you an OBJECTIVE or harmonious leader?

Have you ever noticed some people seek function in their surroundings while others seek to fully experience their surroundings?

What is the OBJECTIVE Driving Force?

People with Objective as their primary Driving Force are driven by the functionality and objectivity of their surroundings. They...

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Are you a selfless or RESOURCEFUL leader?

Have you ever noticed some people tend to be unrestrained in the application of resources while others tend to utilize and apply their resources to maximize return?

What is the RESOURCEFUL Driving Force?

People with Resourceful as their primary Driving Force are driven by practical results,...

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Are you a SELFLESS or resourceful leader?

Have you ever noticed some people tend to be unrestrained in the application of resources while others tend to utilize and apply their resources to maximize return?

What is the SELFLESS Driving Force?

People with Selfless as their primary Driving Force are driven by completing tasks for the sake...

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Are you an INTELLECTUAL or instinctive leader?

Have you ever noticed some people seek knowledge relevant and useful to their current situation, while others seek to expand their understanding and knowledge in all endeavors?

What is the INTELLECTUAL Driving Force?

People with Intellectual as their primary Driving Force are driven by...

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Are you an INSTINCTIVE or intellectual leader?

Have you ever noticed some people seek knowledge relevant and useful to their current situation, while others seek to expand their understanding and knowledge in all endeavors?

What is the INSTINCTIVE Driving Force?

People with Instinctive as their primary Driving Force are driven by utilizing...

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What Drives Your Team?

Have you ever noticed that different people do the same things but for different reasons? For example, you might observe two people reading a book, but they may have wildly different reasons why. For one, they may love to learn and seek to expand their knowledge in all areas. For the other, there...

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How Do I Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person?

As a successful leader, you know how frustrating it is when you begin to realize that one of your team members isn’t a good fit. You notice an issue and it begins to gnaw at you and then eventually it keeps you up at night. You hope the problem will go...

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How often should I be meeting with my team?

We hear it over and over again, team meetings can be the worst! On the one hand, they can be a huge time suck and a major drain on creativity and productivity. On the other hand, without them, the members of our team often feel like they are falling out of the loop and overall connectivity...

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Healthy teams enjoy WINNING together

Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who shared this story about leading a healthy team, but not the kind of team we typically think of, or who hires Kutsko Consulting. His team is his son's little league team. Check it out:


My son is playing in an 'instructional' little...

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